I'm really happy to be able to do what I like for a living.
Recieved a Japanese calligraphy instructor license and director from "Boku Yu Sha"(Japanese calligraphy association) in 2014. After gradurated from Art university, joined advertising agency in Tokyo. At present, juggling some of the work as a Japanese calligrapher, model, creative director and designer.
Creative Direction / Lantern paint / Japanese Calligraphy
Logo Design / Japanese Calligraphy
Japanese Calligraphy
Logo Design / Japanese Calligraphy
Japanese Calligraphy
Japanese Calligraphy / Flower Arrangement / Design
Creative Direction / Advertising Design
Creative Direction / Design for "Advertising & POP Display & Ticket & Member Card & Banner ads & Shampoo Bottle Labels"
Creative Direction / Advertising Design
Creative Direction / Advertising Design
Creative Direction / Advertising Design
Creative Direction / Advertising Design
Creative Direction / Advertising Design
Creative Direction / Book marker Design
Creative Direction / Design
Hair Model